As part of the team working on our company's social media front, we wanted to boost our social media presence. One of the ways we went about doing this was through our Instagram page, where we sought to share with others what we have as and at Mavericks in an original and organic way.
Instagram, as a social media platform, is something that everyone, myself included, engages with on a daily basis. I see a variety of different formats and designs posted by those that I follow, and these served as an idea bank when it came to designing and planning for our own catalogue.
Our ideation process began by exploring what content we could value add to our feed and share with others, starting with a little more about our company, our people and our values. Colour palates and templates then came into the mix, with the designing process usually comprising of hours spent playing around with colours, fonts and styles, as well as curating content and crafting our posts to be aesthetically pleasing yet informational at the same time.
We also run our designs by with the rest of our team, gathering feedback and pointers that we can take into consideration in improving the design of our posts. This is where ideas are bounced off one another and can lead to great ideas for our future posts.
Looking back to when I first volunteered to pick up designing our Instagram catalogue, I was really excited at a new learning opportunity and an outlet for unleashing any hidden creativity and artistic abilities I might have yet to uncover. Designing our posts has been a fun journey thus far, though at times challenging, but it has definitely been an experience - crafting new posts, debating which colours, fonts and styles come together and complement each other well.
While our initial posts might have looked a little less cohesive as we were still in our exploration phase and figuring out our styles, and there remains room for learning and improvement, seeing our catalogue thus far has been encouraging and satisfying and I am really pleased with how our January 2021 catalogue has turned out! As we ring in the new year, we are happy and ready to take on new design challenges in this coming year!